New therapy!

Tennis elbow? Golfer’s elbow?
Finally help!

Unique operating principle // Immediate pain relief // Most effective therapy approach!
For every age group – perfect for work, sports & everyday life!

Diagram of Masalo cuff countertraction principle against tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, mouse elbow, epicondylitis

Masalo UK logo with shadow

Unique active principle

Masalo UK logo with shadow

Immediate pain relief

Masalo UK logo with shadow

Not a conventional brace

Masalo UK logo with shadow

Free returns*, free shipping

Masalo UK logo with shadow

Ideal for home, work & sports

Woman stand-up paddling with Masalo cuff against tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, mouse elbow

Instant relief for tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow & mouse arm!

Do you suffer from the so-called tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow?
Take 5 minutes and find out why our Masalo Cuff MED can really help you to finally get rid of this injury.

The #1 selling tennis elbow brace from Germany, finally available in Ireland and the UK!
Highly effective, immediate help – not comparable to conventional clasps, braces and sleeves.

Browse through hundreds of real user reviews, watch TV reports & videos and let us convince you!
Finally pain-free through life again with the Masalo Cuff!

#1 selling product in Germany

The Masalo Cuff MED is the most successful tool against epicondylitis in Germany, is an approved medical device and is covered by health insurance in Germany. Doctors are delighted and customers can finally live, work and do sport again without pain.

Because we know what our product can do and because we also know that it is “annoying” and feels unsafe to order a parcel abroad, we want to make it as easy as possible for you.

No customs duties, free returns*, no hassle, fast delivery times.

* Conditions for free returns can be found on the “Payment & Shipping” page.

Woman sleeps at night with Masalo cuff against tennis elbow, golfer's elbow

What really helps with tennis elbow & golfer’s elbow?

What is the actual cause of the painful epicondylitis and what helps immediately and sustainably?

Watch in just 30 seconds how cause and effect are connected – explained in an easily understandable way and without complicated “medical-talk”.

We wish you a rapid recovery!

Drag the slider completely to the right to see the cause of the pain – drag the slider to the left to see how the Masalo Cuff MED works against the epicondylitis.

Cause of the epicondylitis

With every movement of the arm and fingers, tensile forces act on the tendon insertions of the forearm.
Repeated movements and overloading of the muscles cause tiny microtears, which can then become inflamed.
This is called tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow or mouse arm.

Tensile forces? Counter-traction!

The Masalo Cuff utilizes the unique counter-traction principle of action and provides immediate relief to the tendon insertions.
The negative tensile forces are reduced or stopped completely and cannot continue to act on the injured tendons.
The injury can heal, the arm can be fully used again.

Will this really help me?

Our patented invention has already helped 10’000s of fellow sufferers to rid their tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow for good. Our unique epicondylitis brace is not comparable to any medical device you know.

Can I test this “counter-traction”?

Grasp the centre of the forearm of the affected arm with your (other) hand.
Push/pull the flesh/tissue towards the elbow with all your strength, stretching and straining the arm slightly.
You should already feel slight pain relief here – an initial indication that our cuff can help you.
In layman’s terms, this is our operating principle in a nutshell – but of course our cuff can do much more 🙂

Masalo Cuff at “Welt der Wunder TV”

The German science broadcasting channel “Welt der Wunder” (engl. “World full of miracles”) and a highly respected sports physician from Switzerland tested our very special epicondylitis brace.
In this clip the unique mechanism of action is explained and the clinical picture of the tennis elbow and why our invention can help every sufferer is shown as well.

You can find more TV coverage and videos here:

Tennis elbow? Golfer’s elbow? What is that exactly?

Millions of people in Europe suffer from the epicondylitis.
But what exactly is the epicondylitis, better known as tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow or mouse arm and especially:

How to get rid of this treacherous injury?

With each movement of the arm, fingers or wrist, tensile forces from the forearm muscles and tendons act on the tendon insertions (epicondyli) at the elbow.

Diagram of radial epicondyle and medial epicondyle
Man checking oil level on car with Masalo cuff against tennis elbow, golfer's elbow and mouse elbow

Unaccustomed high loads, strenuous or repeated movements of the arm can thus lead to injuries in the form of microtears at these tendon insertions, which can then become inflamed. The pain can occur at rest and also with exertion, and the quality of life of affected individuals is often severely limited.

More detailed information about the epicondylitis can be found on our information page.

If tensile forces are the main cause for the injury, wouldn’t it be logical to apply a counter-traction to the area affected?

As soon as this counter-traction deflects and intercepts the tensile forces, shouldn’t this lead to immediate pain relief as well as a significant support of the healing process?

This is exactly what the Masalo Cuff does.

The counter-traction system provides immediate and lasting relief to the affected area. The tendon insertions are spared, pain is relieved and healing is positively supported – even though the arm continues to be fully used. The stressing tensile forces of muscles and tendons are intercepted and “diverted” to the upper arm strap, the injured area is protected. Due to the unique design of the Masalo Cuff it can be worn permanently day and night and can be used for both “tennis elbow” and “golfer’s elbow”.

The Masalo Cuff is washable and can therefore be worn in professions with high hygiene standards, as well as for swimming, water sports and much more.

Pencil drawing Masalo cuff for tennis elbow on a male person

Immediate pain relief

The injured tendon attachments can heal and the arm can be used normally again

Unique operating principle

Tensile forces are diverted to the upper arm strap

Mechanic repairs motorcycle and wears blue overalls and Masalo cuff against tennis elbow

Just like the intensity of the pain, the trigger of epicondylitis is individual. Affected are active people such as craftsmen, office workers (PC work: Mouse arm), warehouse workers, retail workers, housewives, athletes, hobby gardeners, etc.
Knitting, gardening or shoveling snow etc. can also trigger this insidious disease.

The Masalo Cuff effectively and sustainably combats the cause of pain.

As the experiences of other sufferers show, it is even possible with the Masalo Cuff, despite epicondylitis/epicondylopathy, to return very quickly to pain-free sport.
Even weight training and fitness training is quickly possible again.

When playing tennis, experience has shown that the racket posture is improved. The stabilization of the elbow leads to a higher impact force and higher accuracy, also in golf. Thus, sufferers with the cuff have benefited in other sports such as javelin throwing, handball, volleyball, bodybuilding and so on.

Doctor’s opinion

“I haven’t had a single patient to date who didn’t respond well.”

Chief doctor Johannes Sailer, specialist in orthopedics and orthopedic surgery from Vienna, and his patients are enthusiastic about the Masalo Cuff – in this video he explains how it works from a medical and scientific point of view – free from marketing talk and empty clichés.

Tests & testimonials:

Browse hundreds of verified customer reviews or watch television reports, doctor tests and other videos related to our cuff.

I have been a professional bodybuilder for 30 years, but last year I felt pain in both my arms. Diagnosis: Tennis elbow(s). I ran from treatment to treatment, did everything - nothing helped and I wasn't even able to lift a chair anymore. Then a friend of mine, MD as well, said I should check out the Masalo Cuff. So I did, and what can I say: Only three weeks later I was in the gym again - fully loaded. Incredible!
Tamer Galal // Mr. Universe 2004
I have been a professional bodybuilder for 30 years, but last year I felt pain in both my arms. Diagnosis: Tennis elbow(s). I ran from treatment to treatment, did everything - nothing helped and I wasn't even able to lift a chair anymore. Then a friend of mine, MD as well, said I should check out the Masalo Cuff. So I did, and what can I say: Only three weeks later I was in the gym again - fully loaded. Incredible!
Tamer Galal // Mr. Universe 2004
Tamer Galal // Mr. Universe 2004
After having tormenting pain since January after a ski trip, I did the recommended stretching exercises (From which I got an additional tendonitis in my wrist), I finally came across this website. So I ordered the Brace at the end of May, put it on overnight and woke up the next morning, free of pain - for the first time in months! A 100% treatment success. Thank you for this well thought operating principle!
MD Christian Rais-Biegalla // Germany
After having tormenting pain since January after a ski trip, I did the recommended stretching exercises (From which I got an additional tendonitis in my wrist), I finally came across this website. So I ordered the Brace at the end of May, put it on overnight and woke up the next morning, free of pain - for the first time in months! A 100% treatment success. Thank you for this well thought operating principle!
MD Christian Rais-Biegalla // Germany
MD Christian Rais-Biegalla // Germany
Hi, I have been using your cuff now for nearly 2 weeks, I just want to say thank you. I cannot believe how good it is. I used to be in constant pain, but now I am not feeling much pain anymore, I even managed to get back to the gym, only doing light weights but doing some, so again a big thank you!
Richard Johns // Birmingham (England)
Hi, I have been using your cuff now for nearly 2 weeks, I just want to say thank you. I cannot believe how good it is. I used to be in constant pain, but now I am not feeling much pain anymore, I even managed to get back to the gym, only doing light weights but doing some, so again a big thank you!
Richard Johns // Birmingham (England)
Richard Johns // Birmingham (England)
For anyone with tennis elbow or golfers elbow, this brace is the answer to all your prayers. I can not thank the masalo brace enough. Im 38 and I live for golf. My doctors told me I have no chance of playing for at least 18 months. I played 18 holes after wearing this brace for 48 hours. I have a heavy lifting job and i am back working full time because of this brace. I would pay a lot more for this product because its given me my life back. Seriously this is not a made up review - I am from Wigan ...
Curtis Palma // Wigan (England)
For anyone with tennis elbow or golfers elbow, this brace is the answer to all your prayers. I can not thank the masalo brace enough. Im 38 and I live for golf. My doctors told me I have no chance of playing for at least 18 months. I played 18 holes after wearing this brace for 48 hours. I have a heavy lifting job and i am back working full time because of this brace. I would pay a lot more for this product because its given me my life back. Seriously this is not a made up review - I am from Wigan in sunny England, I play rugby and golf and im telling you don't even think about it, just get this brace!
Curtis Palma // Wigan (England)
Curtis Palma // Wigan (England)
I am writing to tell you how much the Masalo cuff has helped since I received the package. Thank you for this invention, it has quite simply stopped the tormenting pain I was feeling every day for four months and with no pain I am much more like my not so young happy self. One other point I would like to make is the level of customer service I received. It was second to none and all emails were responded to quickly and I received the braces in the post in Scotland only three days after I ordered them. This ...
Gareth Dalrymple // Scotland
I am writing to tell you how much the Masalo cuff has helped since I received the package. Thank you for this invention, it has quite simply stopped the tormenting pain I was feeling every day for four months and with no pain I am much more like my not so young happy self. One other point I would like to make is the level of customer service I received. It was second to none and all emails were responded to quickly and I received the braces in the post in Scotland only three days after I ordered them. This level of service only happens when someone cares about their product and their customers.
Gareth Dalrymple // Scotland
Gareth Dalrymple // Scotland
Since I as a medical doctor know that none of the commonly recommended therapies really helps reliably against the tennis elbow, I [...] searched around a bit on the web and came across the Masalo cuff. Already today, after just 24 hours, the worst pain is resolved, and I can lift my coffee cup completely painless - what a success! I will recommend the Masalo Cuff to all my patients from now on. Fantastic thing!
MD Susanne Neye-Bock
Since I as a medical doctor know that none of the commonly recommended therapies really helps reliably against the tennis elbow, I [...] searched around a bit on the web and came across the Masalo cuff. Already today, after just 24 hours, the worst pain is resolved, and I can lift my coffee cup completely painless - what a success! I will recommend the Masalo Cuff to all my patients from now on. Fantastic thing!
MD Susanne Neye-Bock
MD Susanne Neye-Bock


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